A friend of mine started a greeting card company and asked me to contribute. I set out to illustrate messages that I would want to receive.
When you think Google, you think about searching for information, but there are also some who are loyal device users.
The team at Madwell helped spread the news about their products and the love for local vendors that Google wanted to help people find and support. We worked with the company’s existing branding and had a little fun creating something new for multiple campaigns.
How often have you typed the prompt “find____near me” into google?
Google knows. They always know.
So, we created a new look for their “Spread Love Near Me” campaign to support local businesses in your area.

Through social media we could help Google spread love and promote those mom and pop shops we all adore. What better way to find a new burger joint or bike shop near you.

We explored many different ways in and although Google wanted something a little closer to their system we had a lot of fun exploring other styles.